WoM Realms contest 2.
We're proud to announce the second official WoM Realms contest. This month's contest is all about WoM Landmarks and Natural Wonders. To start building in the contest type /contest while in WoM:Realms.
You must design and make your own special Landmark or Natural Wonder. You cannot replicate an already existing Landmark or Natural Wonder in WoM, from another server or the real world. It must be completely original. As this may be a little harder then the previous contest we have added an extra week to the contest.
Contest is limited to your own work, you may not use any special functions or anyone else's works in your entry.
To see additional information, please click the More link for rules and entry details.
- This is a contest of skill.
- To enter the contest, make a building in your /contest world which matches the contest theme.
- Everyone has the same sized world and nobody has access to special functions.
- Any buildings in your contest realm are restricted to manual building only (no /fill /paste etc allowed) and buildings must be completed by yourself and not copied or plagiarized from anyone else.
- Anyone is allowed to build in their contest realms, but in order to enter the competition you must post an entry in this post in the correct format once your entry is complete.
- Upon making an entry, a judge will come to your contest world to make sure it meets the contest theme, evaluate it and if it's good enough your entry will be placed into the finals.
- All contest realms will be cleared at the end of the contest and will be saved as paste regions in your account.
- Entries for the contest close at the specified closing time and judges decisions are final.
- Competition prizes are awarded as bonus reputation on WoM Realms.
- All contestants entered into the finals will get two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) points.
- 2nd runner up will win one million (1,000,000) points.
- 1st runner up will win two million five hundred thousand (2,500,000) points.
- Winner will win five million (5,000,000) points and a Minecraft Beta gift code to play on the Official WoM SMP Server.
Contest details
- Contest closes at 00:00 UTC on the 24th of August 2011.
- The theme of the contest is "WoM Landmarks and Natural Wonders"
Entry format
To enter the competition, you must make a reply to this article in the following format:
Competition entry ----------------- Username: USERNAME Entry name: ENTRY NAME Entry detail: DETAIL ABOUT YOUR ENTRY HERE Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the contest: YES Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be judged? YES Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's work: YES
As per the rules above. Competition entry post are currently locked and cannot be submitted until the 22nd of August 2011.
Judges have already been chosen and will not be announced until the date of the competition entries has been unlocked.
The following people made it into the finals, and have been awarded 250k bonus rep points.
- Asphi_Gosu
- DayeAndNight
- DigiManiac321
- ethankiller
- Imran_Zulkafli
- IzaVelox
- jonoawesomeguy
- Jp_Joao
- Kent0526
- Merrowing
- Moufisto
- quitepossibly
- ranger10700
- roguepacman
- Sharpy63
- Skyara
- Takous
We have completed the tallying and this contest was very close with half points been most of the players. We had 7 judges - H4X, KevinSweijen, Artful, Secret Judge, Triddin, Secret Judge, and me (Moujave). It was a silent vote, each judge voted by themselves and submitted the results to me when they had finished.
Of the 30 entrants who made entries on the forum post, there were 18 finalists. We had a points threshold that the entrants had to meet to make it to the finals.
Results:Third with his amazing entry “Temple of Eternal Flame" is Merrowing and will get a prize of 1 million bonus points.
Coming in at second place was roguepacman with his entry “the lost temple (of roguepacman)” who gets 2.5 million points and a surprise prize "Humble Indie Bundle #3!"
And the winner of contest 2 is ranger10700 with his entry “Temple of Knowledge and Understanding” and gets the first place prize of 5 million bonus points and a Minecraft Beta Code.

Competition entry
Username: ranger10700
Entry name: Temple of knowledge and Understanding.
Entry detail:
(this is a lot, so i'll understand if you don't read it all)\
The Temple of Knowledge and Understanding was the pinnacle of an ancient civilisation known only as the Ascendants; whose whole reason for being was to reach the highest scientific level known to any alien. This goal was achieved, and so they began construction of their memorial for the day where they would eventually die from an uncurable disease.
The Temple is the last known remaining structure of the Ascendants, however overgrown it may be. The structure consists of four towers, many courtyards and one central structure with a pillar. Everything here has a purpose, from the Belltower of Eternal Longevity, to the Pillar of Graceful Understanding. In the Ascendants pursuit for a cure for all disease, they attempted to fill the river with a remedy for all. As the last Ascendant died, the last drop of remedial liquid was poured into the lake, but it was too late.
The Temple is know a memorial for the Ascendants, containing a repository of their entire history and technological advances. Any who can understand the languagte may use it with complete and full authority, in an attempt to prevent the same fate for the Descendants.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: Skaterkid10
Entry name: My dream Backyard
Entry detail:
There is just landscapes around a lake in the middle
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: Sorenowl8808
Entry name: The Dungeon in the mist
Entry detail:
A rare partially exposed dungeon hidden behind a waterfall.
Top/ back of mountain is not filled in as i have no time cuz college:P
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: DigiManiac321
Entry name: The Final Sacrificing Temple
Entry detail:
The Final Sacrificing Temple is the temple that includes four elements, which is wisdom, power, skill, and leader.
This was known as the Final Sacrificing temple because of an ancient hero who has the four elements, as a strong, knowledgeable, and master of battle leader of the people. He defends the people from the 'attack'. As a gift, they made him four temples right after he passed away.
A while after that, the four temples are attacked by the 'attack' with no troubles since the hero passed away. The people has no more hope on defeating the 'attack'. Their only choice is to rebuild the temples into one, and by sacrificing a person, a single person to regain the hero's powers and defeat the 'attack'.
Every time someone comes to the temple, they'll feel more refreshed and energized.
(To tell the truth it looks like some sort of story :l)
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
Competition entry
Username: Skyara
Entry name: Conductive Power Generator
Entry detail: This don't need no soppy story. It's just a power generator that runs by conducting lightning strikes.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: Yep
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? Well. Probably.
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: I made this up on the spot. Of course I didn't copy anyone else.
Competition entry
Username: roguepacman
Entry name: the lost temple (of roguepacman)
Entry detail:
there was once a GREAT and POWERFUL person (roguepacman) whom legend says built this mighty temple,
WITH HIS BARE HANDS, it is so mighty and awesome that after all these years it is still in perfect condition
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES, if theres a temple out there dedicated to me,
point me in that direction
Username: bingbing12twa
Entry name: Dark Temple of Martyian
Entry detail: After many years of war between light and dark, the world of Martyian took it in their own hands to decide which side would win by talking to the three Fates. Their prophecy said that darkness would prevail and so when dark truly took over the universe of Santreca, the Martyian inhabitants built this temple to praise their new overlords and ladies.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work and is not copied or plagiarized from any other person's work: YES, the Martyian story is from a book i actually wrote ^^
Competition entry
Username: Sharpy63
Entry name: La Grande Terre
Entry detail:
Large half-arch beside giant building incased
within stone over thousands of years
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: Asphi_Gosu
Entry name: Cascade-Wonderland
Entry detail:
Well i made a a big Cascade with some caves there are all very small and there living lots of natives :) also in the jungle is the big tree from the Avatar movie ;)
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: monkeycyclopse
Entry name: Rocky Water Cabins
Entry detail:
It is a fine resort that any family can come to
for a nice peaceful time. It took me most of the
month but, I finished it and it is very nice.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: im_the_beast
Entry name: Water Wonder
Entry detail:
Its a circular water feature...
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: iceman_kol
Entry name: Rave Central
Entry detail:
its a rave concert (BIG) IRL
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: yes
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? yes
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: sey (yes)
Competition entry
Username: acissejxd
Entry name: Sizzle + Burn
Entry detail:
Basically a... watefall, cliff, cave, trees, VOLCANOE!Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: Merrowing
Entry name: Temple of Eternal Flame
Entry detail:
In the middle of endless desert rises a single mountain on which ancient pillars hold up remain of great temple, and protecting fire that burn on altar.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: Jp_Joao
Entry name: Drake Spine Mountains
Entry detail:
The reason that this is called 'Drake Spine Mountains' is because of the shape of the mountains around the map. Their tops have some characteristics that are similar to those of the mythical dragon creature called the Drake.
The most eye catching part of the map is the huge mountain which is home to the wonder of the huge caves. Found inside in a part of the caves is a old abandoned temple, which is thousands of years old, yet still in good conition.
Apart from the large mountain, throughout the map there are also other mountains, and some have caves as well. There is also a river which and its source comes from within the lagre mountain. To top off the realm, there are some decorative trees.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry Username: aag2000 Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
Entry name: Nature and World of Minecraft Village...
Entry detail: Well urm mainly its just my point of nature and a normal Village!
contest: YES
judged? Urm Probably
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: jonoawesomeguy
Entry name: Mystic Spring Valley
Entry detail:
Oh, just a valley of a mystic spring.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: ethankiller
Entry name: Point of Freedom
Entry detail:
While walking on the bridge when you pass the point you are free from everything that troubles you.
Do you confirm you have read the rules of the
contest: Yes
Have you completed your entry and is it ready to be
judged: Yes
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: Yes
Competition entry
Username: Moufisto
Entry name: Equilibrium
Entry detail:
Many concepts came up in the making of this.
The main, revolving concept is focused around
the idea of having an atmosphere between two
extremes in tempurature.
While the setting is supposedly ontop of a
snowy mountain, the lava that the mountain
contains, is still activating. So essentially,
the top of the mountain has been brought to an
Equilibrium, allowing nature to grow on the tip
of an snowy mountain.
So that theory was there, and other concepts just
lunged in as it went, there is some man-made
work and machinery there, featuring a lift and
an attempt at a steam-based recharger..
It only came to 60% completion.
Anyway, so for what i did get in, just imagine
yet another cavern filled with nature with some
mines and the top iced off with snow and things.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: Yes.
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? Again, no-where near completed, but
judge it anyway.
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: Nah i took it all from Moufisto.
Yeah it's mine. -.-
Competition Entry
Username: WRN
Entryname: Mystery rock
Entry Detail: A weird rock formation 2 explorers came apon in the middle of the ocean
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the contest: YES
Have u completed your entry and it is ready to be judged?: YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's work: YES
Username: DayeAndNight
Entryname: Flower
Entry Detail: A giant flower. no landscaping here.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the contest: YES
Have u completed your entry and it is ready to be judged?: YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's work: YES
Sorry accidently spam
Competition entry
Username: Imran_Zulkafli
Entry name: Nature Perfection
Entry detail:
Well it's a little landscape i did :3 hope you like it
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
contest: YES
judged? YES
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Username: quitepossibly
Entry name: Canyon
Entry detail:
Just a regular canyon, river and all. a little unfinished near the top cause of me mixing up the end time, but its pretty much done
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Username: IzaVelox
Entry name: Cliff-side
Entry detail: There's a lot to this build. When you first enter, to the right is a sea-arch, and to the far left is what happens when a sea-arch collapses, and before that, between the waterfalls, is an older pinnacle eroded and colonized by plant life. There's a cave behind each waterfall. Following the path up leads you through a cave behind the close waterfall, after which you will catch site of a plateau and atop, the home of an ancient tribe in touch with the stars and sky; entrance is through the carved dragon's head.
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Username: Takous
Competition entry
Username: badookey
Entry name: Pyramid
Entry detail: A wooden pyramid on an island in the middle of nowhere
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
Competition entry
Username: badookey
Entry name: Pyramid
Entry detail: A wooden pyramid on an island in the middle of nowhere
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES
WoM Coins: 692
Competition entry
Username: Deadlypixel69
Entry name: Unfinished work
Entry detail:
Well, not sure how to describe it. Alot of people love it and its basically just some landscaping, some building, and all that goody good stuff. :)
Do you confirm that you have read the rules of the
contest: YES
Have you completed your entry and it is ready to be
judged? YES
Do you confirm that this entry is all your own work
and not copied or plagiarized from any other person's
work: YES