16128 blocks of TNT. How to detonate?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 169695
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Hey, well I've used 16128 blocks of TNT filling in the crater of a previous explosion. I made a tunnel going for at least 150 tiles away so I won't die, and also surrounded myself with obsidian.  I made an extended red stone wire so I could get a safe distance away, but it always freezes up and goes to a black screen when I detonate.

I am unsure ether it has crashed, or whether it is still simulating. My RAM remains at a constant ~98%.

Can anybody tell me what's happening during these 'black screens'

Thank you! I will post the video/pictures here first!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 119673
WoM Coins: 13

Your Minecraft .jar file crashes, because it lags so much that your computer can't handle it.

You could try increasing the fog by pressing "F" on your keyboard. You can also go to Processes in Task Manager and set the Affinity to two cores, if your computer is quad-core.

Either than that, you have to get a more powerful computer!

16128 blocks is waaaay too much! Try to keep it at 500 or less. That could help too!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 154500
WoM Coins: 16

luigimario211 is right. That'll cause one hell of a lag for ANY computer.
By the way... How did you manage getting 16128 blocks of TNT?!