2 Command suggestions
Hey, I have 2 suggestions for commands. They are:
/invert and /calculator
In /invert, it would be similar to /replace. You would do /invert block1 block2. Then the 2 types of blocks would switch places. This would be helpful for doing checkerboards if you messed up.
In /calculator (/calc for short) you could do simple math. For example, /calc 3+6 then it would give you a message saying 'Answer: 9'
You would be able to do * for multiplication and / for division.
Would you guys please consider those? Thanks!
Well /calc wouldn't spam because only you would see it.
The same way /fill brings up the prompt 'Place mark: fill bound 1'
invert is ready to be sent to trid
WoM Coins: 299
/calc used to be a command available to architect+, back in the old software. Its not really needed, though, and spammed back then.
As for /invert, there are other ways of doing that command, but it would save time just adding /invert in. Anyone want to code this?