any clans accepting?
Hi I'd like to join a clan, I've already fillled out the applacation and would like to be in a clan on womrealms any clans accepting pretty good builders would be thanked.
Ok thanks ,sorry
soo I'd like to be in a clan in one of the top spots in top clans and in a clan where you get a pretty good amount of rep. Thanks jak
Join my clan
Join my clan
Derp R Us
Depending on what do you want to be in the clan, i think Derp R Us might or might not be good for you. We are teamworking a lot. I will invite you.
Accept only if you want to join.
EDIT: Oh and my clan IS on the top spots. It's the 3rd clan, and it once was 2nd.
WoM Coins: 6608
this is going to be flooded with "join my clan, we are the biggest", "we are the second biggest and we only need 1 more person"
do you want to be in the biggest clan, or the one that gets you the most rep, or the one where everyone builds together?
what are your criteria for the clan
you should choose them, not the other way around
(or just go for the one that posts first, either way :P)