I'm incredibly bored and happen to feel like making some more minecraft skins! I've made loads for me, and for all of my minecraft playing friends, but I NEED MORE REQUESTS!!!
it is ok
Hey can you make a skin wit blue jeans for pants, a short sleeve white shirt wit an open short sleeve black shirt over it, and a purple H on the white shirt? and the brown hair should have a swoop going left if you facing the face. normal minecraft face (plus hair swoop) with green eyes and jus one color for the skin, like a good tan. I kno its alot but i like being specific :D thanks
I Have made your skin you requested... enjoi!
Quite Detailed...
id like a skin for our clan, the Rampaging angels, to promote it :P. it shud be something of a fallen, dark angel, likehttp://www.google.be/imgres?imgurl=http://dailydesigninspiration.com/diverse/di/angeldr/Dark_Angel_by_LordHannu.jpg&imgrefurl=http://dailydesigninspiration.com/drawings-and-illustrations/dark-angel-2/&usg=__bn6Crx34rVtrCCn8lZQhXBih_sg=&h=992&w=1130&sz=180&hl=nl&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=II_fTeKuloSK6M:&tbnh=121&tbnw=138&ei=RVwoTui4AY_xsgbAxfCpCQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddark%2Bangel%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dnl%26biw%3D1920%26bih%3D955%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=319&vpy=113&dur=1206&hovh=210&hovw=240&tx=144&ty=134&page=1&ndsp=76&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&biw=1920&bih=955. It you can make one like it, but you dont have too. if you dont want too, please tell, so i can ask some1 else :3
i want a black creeper skin that has red eyes and red mouth. if you could do that, that would be amazing. Thanx! Sarbina
Can i have a man in a grey green mottled cloak, with a bow slung over his back, and you can hardly see his face, the cloak would cover his ankles, and he would wear dark brown boots, thanks :D
Halo Guy
orange creeper black eyes and mouth please and thank you
can you make a skin of dempsey from cod zombies? if so here are two pictures
WoM Coins: 12
Lance from Epic Battle Fantasy 3