So I've been getting this message for the custom client wrapper, and it's beginning to get annoying. It tells me Java has finished updating and to restart the application, and by this I'm guessing, is the .bat file. Anyway, I restart the .bat, and it does the same thing. I restarted my computer instead, same thing. Could someone help me out here? If it helps any, this is what I'm getting:
And before anyone asks, yes, I did follow the instructions.
The thing is, this computer only has one account. It is administrator.
Try manually getting the jar again.
Just tried that, didn't work either...:(
This usually happens when you try downloading the jar file for either Indev or Infdev. Are you sure you are downloading the normal creative minecraft.jar located at
Yeah, I redownloaded it just to try that link, but it still doesn't work.
seeing the error...
are you sure you are having the latest client and latest minecraft.jar?
Yeah, I just redownloaded the client and the .jar to make sure, still not working. It doesn't say "access is denied" part anymore, but it still gives me the message, and won't go away on restart.
i have the same problem now. its annoying and now i can only play on browser
This is the exact error i get and iv'e had a working client for a long long time and it just suddenly stopped working and gave me this error.
Redownload the cilent then do everything again Even swap the minecraft.jar
I tried the same thing all you guys are doing and now mine wont work at all, it say "ERROR failed to run minecraft" in the black box
Every time i open my client, it say: "The application will now quit. It should pick up the updated applet version when restarted." Can you guys please help me, it make like three months that it give me errors like this one.
Foward thanks
Dont ignore me Try what i said It worked for me!
We have done some research on this problem, and we have found that the minecraft.jar file has something like an expiry date. So time to time, you have to download a new copy of this jar file. Or change its creation time. :)
We have done some research on this problem, and we have found that the minecraft.jar file has something like an expiry date. So time to time, you have to download a new copy of this jar file. Or change its creation time. :)
zeeczech im not sure if ur research is right or not but the fact remains that the updated minecraft.jar from is of the size 0kb. I have made a new topic about it. Please see it.
If womclient is updating almost every time you run it, or you just keep getting this message : "The application will now quit. It should pick up the updated applet version when restarted.", do what MozziedooClone said above.
Sometimes I've had to restart my computer to get this to stick.
Restart your computer.
After your restart, delete your womclient folder completely and unzip a
new one. Don't forget to put minecraft.jar back in lib folder.
for me (temporarily).
Keep copies of the files as you'll probably need to repeat all this later on.
Finding womclient to be very unfriendly at the moment. I believe it is having problems since minecraft migrated all their data to the new server cluster.
do you have the latest version of womclient?
WoM Coins: 18
You need administrative permission. It's denying you because of this. Note the line: "... lib\minecraft.jar (Access is denied)". Get your computer/network administrator to give you sufficient permissions to edit the file.