Banned for something I didn't do (SOLVED)
I got banned for griefing lunicks lapiz tower. What is that?
Can u post a screenshot of
Can u post a screenshot of it?
I would have no way of getting to it as I don't actually know how to get to it.
We will both have to wait for Jak.
Oh my brother may have
Oh my brother may have greifed it ill have to ask him about it tomarow cause he likes to grief stuff a lot I think he has griefed about 4 so far after he found out my password.
I found most of Lunick's tower missing with your name all over it when I checked the block history.
I have unbanned you now and I advise that you use the "/register" command ingame.
If we find grief with your name on it again, you won't be unbanned so easily.
Listen to Jak about /register
WoM Coins: 8985
According to Jak, you griefed my tower near fishtownmichaels' claim and daneboes' pyramid.