Can you break the rocks right before where the bottom of the map is?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 56603
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I got to the bottom of the map really really fast today because I made a I think like 32 things of ladders down and then I made a lot of stairs keep going down basically looking for the dungeon and then I saw this weird looking rock and I kept hitting it and it didn't seem like it was breaking at all so I was breaking and breaking and then I saw this like blue block and I was like wow I hit water down here? And I jumped in and fell and then I lost my health slowly and then I died :( but there since I know that is the end of the map can I break those stones?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 59755
WoM Coins: 0
The answer.

The blocks at the bottom of the map are called adminium. It is impossible to break them. If it was possible to break them, you would fall into the Void and die. Adminium is also uneven at the bottom of the map. In a sever, only ops can break the adminium.