Cannot change the name of my server OR make myself SuperOP
- Hey I started a new server, and I am stuck with the Name : [MCZALL] Default, witch doesen't make people join, at all :) Also I am having this problem : I CANT make myself superOP, Im stuck with operator...
- So for the server name : Editing it IN the software MCZALL doesent work, editing the server properties doesent work because when I reopen MCZALL, everything resets.
- For SuperOP, I had to make advbuilder operator and Operator SuperOP... I did try to go in the server properties and make myself builder,avbuilder,operator,uberop , but it just wont let me be uberop :( .
- Any help would be awesome thanks !
WoM Coins: 4
When u start the server go to console and type in(you maybe have)setrank (name) superop and if that dosen't worked i don't have any answers have you watched this video it explains how to use it! Have fun.