canot start a server
hey just a quick question i have been having trouble starting a server i have started one on several ocations and my friends cannot connect. I have forwarded ports as sugested and obviously have the server software .. then i purchused the game thinking maybe i need to be a donator wich i was going to anyway but thats becide the point i still canot start one any help would be muchly appreciated
thank you
WoM Coins: 5
So your problem is that you can start the server but your friends can't connect?
1. Can YOU connect?
2. What error do they get in Minecraft? "Server may be down?"
3. If the error is to do with protocol version, you may have an old version of the server software. Have you redownloaded it lately?
3. Ask them to right-click the java icon in the system tray and check what the log says. If possible, get them to paste it here.
I can't help much more without more details. Check the stickies at Minecraft forums server administration section: