It looks as if when you type in /client, for classic in the mod-ed version, it has a list of commands. I'
m not familiar with them all except the one where it makes it son you cant be pushed. could someone fill me in on the ten or so commands that are listed when you type /client.
/client smooth turns mouse smooth on or off (i think it's fun with a touchpad)
I appreciate your info coromd it was helpful to know what /client ui means. i already know what the mouse one did. I'm curious about what the /client skin does. if someone could inform me id much appreciate it. id be willing to give someone rank at PROBUILD!!!FREEBUILD!!! classic. no I'm trying to bribe, it would just be an honour to have someone that helped me on our team.
/client smooth on;off - Turns off/on mouse smoothing
WoM Coins: 3
can someone tell me wat and were the client hacks do?