Come join my server!
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 417020
WoM Coins: 46

Come play, have fun, and explore on my new server! Op is still available for a limited time :) 

1. Open Hamachi and select "join existing network" (if you do not own Hamachi, scroll down to see my instructions on how to download)
2. Type in this information
Network ID: John The Creator
Password: branmuffin
3. Click "join" and wait a little while for the connection to be made (if the connection is rejected, please contact me for help)
4. Once you see your name under the "John The Creator" tab, open Minecraft version 1.1 (anything under the most current version of Minecraft will not run this server)
5. Once in Minecraft, click "multiplayer" then "add server"
6. Then type in
Server Name: John The Creator
Server Address:
7. Then simply click "done" and my server should pop up.
PLEASE REMEMBER: If it says "can't reach server" that just means that I dont have the server turned on that time.
Log Me In Hamachi is a safe and free program that a lot of server owners such as myself use to run their servers. It only takes a second to download and you dont have to give up any personal info to get it. It is also ad free and perfect for Minecraft. Heres how to get it...
1. Go to this link 
2. Download the "Unmanaged" version and accept the terms and conditions. 
3. Install it on your computer and open the program.
4. Complete steps 1-7 for joining my server.
PLEASE NOTE: You MUST have this program to play on my server. Otherwise you will not be able to join properly.
