Come to Ourmine!
Ourmine is an amazing server,
Which is role-Played
its Classic,
And there are plenty of commands,
And shortcuts
The people there are great,
And the ranks aren't hard to get :D
Once you get builder
You can ask for as many maps as you want
We also have entertainment:
Such as:
Ctf map
And we are on 24/7
There are hardly any griefs,
since we have ip-banned so many
The grief is undone b4 the griefer leaves
Hope to see you soon ;)
The Owner is:
Biepbot-Is also on World of Minecraft realms, be sure to see his realm :D
And SaineOne1
COME ON?!?!|
COME ON?!?!|
For f**ks sake, reply already
Yea, that is an amazing server :P
WoM Coins: 22
Its an amazing server, trust me, I know :D
And Ive modified 16mil Blocks :P
Which would be 640000000 rep in womrealms xD
And U can check out my realm, and U'll see Im a good builder :P
Also If you go on Ourmine, dont be shy to check out the best map Ive made: thenextcrib-mansio
Or alienware-Spaceship
Space- Space-vessels, in a war, going to be made into an adventure map