Hey Everybody,
My name is Snap Flash and you may or may not have heard about me. Audefly, a user on the World of Minecraft: Realms, has been mean to me and teasing me a lot. She calls me a stalker, which is mostly not true. Also, I keep trying to go to one of Purcat's realms (Purcat is a constructor, by the way,) but Purcat keeps kicking me off. I am very frustrated by this. OH! Let me explain about what I mean by the "Mostly Not True" part. I DID follow her constantly on the server, but that was at least a month ago and she still calls me a stalker. Let me explain. The reason I was actually FOLLOWING her was because I was close to getting Surveyor rank, and I wanted to know if she had a build that needed to be finished. It would give me that extra push in rep and hence, level up. The reason purcat kicks me off? He said that he didn't want me on there, which I think was a really lame excuse.
If Staff can give both Purcat and Audefly a talking-to it would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely (and maybe delicately,)
Joshua N. (Snap Flash)
Actually, on the contrary, there is a limitation to /kick as you need to provide a viable reason, otherwise everyone would be spamming it all the time.
He said that he didn't want me on there
is not a very valid excuse.
Additionally, /ignore has been broken for a very long time. While audefly is around, just hold your tongue and try not to say anything, or staff may deal with her.
I am part of BIB but I'm not mean FYI, and Snap if purcat doesn't want u to be in his realm, then build in ur own, it's no big deal, just ignore purcat, audefly, and me using /global off, it's easy
i have typed in the wrong user name on top were it say's play!
Add your Minecraft.net username here (Not your World of Minecraft username) to get whitelisted.
but i typed in my World of Minecraft account name by mistake
can anyone help
@SkYara You need a valid reason to remove people from your realm? I didn't know that. This is why i shouldn't answer questions about World of Minecraft: Realms. Cuz i never play it. My mistake. I just figured if you own a realm, you would reserve the right to allow only who you wanted on it to stay on it.
I went to carmel347 realm and darkbayn kept kicking me,audefly also joined in after a few minutes after we settled down with darkbayn.P.S. Both darkbayn and audefly should be ban about this.
You are free to go to anyone's realm (that isn't locked of course) but it that person doesn't want you in their realm then leave or let them kick you.
If you keep rejoining then YOU are the problem, not them.
yea Crazy, weeks ago this person kept on joining my realm when i was kicking him every single time since i didnt want him in my realm
They are the owner of their real, so they can kick as much as they want, or so I believe.
WoM Coins: 3343
I doubt anyone is going to fuss at Purcat for kicking you off their realm. Since it is their realm, they have the right to kick you off of it for no reason at all. That's why it's their realm and not yours. If you get kicked from somebodies realm, just go somewhere else and build! There are thousands of realms! As for Audefly, you're right that she shouldn't be being mean to you, but if it really bothers you, just /ignore her for a while.