crafting ideas.
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WoM Member
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here I will relate toall the crafting recipies I know, for people who think they could learn more.

p=plank, s=stone, i=iron, r=redstone, 0=nothing, st=stick, g=glowstone,

chest:  p  p  p        piston: p  p  p

            p  0  p                   p  0  p

            p  p  p                   p  p  p


double chest: two chests next to each other in the world, not on the crafting table.

fence: st st st        fence gate: st  p  st      furnace: s  s  s      light block: 0  r  0      button: 0  0  0

           st st st                           st  p  st                    s  0  s                        r  g  r                  0   s  0

           0  0  0                            0  0   0                    s  s  s                        0  r  0                  0  s  0


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You will learn much more from 5 minutes on youtube than your six basic recipes.