Cutting down wood taking longer then usual!
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WoM Member
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help! I have just bought minecraft and as soon as I entered into single player I noticed some lag but once that had ended I tried to cut some wood, dirt, and sand I am well aware that it will take some time to mine wood with out tools but it was ridiculous how long it too for me to mine anytime in the game! i had seen how fast other have done it from youtube videos(without tools of course) so it seemed very odd that it was taking over three mins of constant clicking just to get a piece of wood. does anyone know what might be the problem? please help if you can!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 56484
WoM Coins: 0

"taking over three mins of constant clicking"

I don't know if I'm just reading this wrong, but you said constant clicking.  Like click, click click.
Not click and Hold.

To cut down trees, or mine in mine craft you are supposed to click and hold.
Although you probably already know that, I thought I would just say that.

-Best of Luck