Hey Hey ! I'm Decypha ^^ .
So I thought i'll make a post of my pixels that I created.
! ( I do take requests ) !
( People have come and still can come see me pixel them ^^ )
Happy Halloween:
/realm decypha 10
Grim Reaper(requested by dragon_reaperX):
Demon/Angel w/e ;D :
This is currently the largest sized I ever made 820-512
Viewable in /realm decypha whatmapisthis
Random girl :
Katniss pixel for Sk1l4funz !
Fairytail for Knuckle
Shanae aka AurumAquila:

Right girl is Megan Fox.

Misa Campo For ZaiBrisk ;D
Espada #2 in release form

Ghost Rider Skull:
Mewto kinda coolest pixel i ever made of somebody's backside ;D

This pixel is viewable in /realm moufisto Moufisto2

but also in Mel_Melissa's realm it was a pixel for her ^^

( NOT anymore in my own realm I needed space for my next project ^^ )

Next pixel is viewable in /realm decypha 2
For Merrowing <3

Jigsaw requested by Xenuz
Butterfly :
Requested by Carmel347
Requested by Sonardo
Immulinate thingy :P
Tails Doll:

Requested by DDOSATTACK

Vampire Lady:
Requested by Razy123 or Razy321 ( edit it when I know XD )
Thank You:
-and World of Minecraft Staff ^^
>> I do take Requests <<
Thx Lunick for editing Eric's numbers i didn't remember then :p
I have a request, it will be something from homestuck but I have yet to decide what, I will edit this post when I have decided. (It may take some time...)
Sure Usoka name it and I'll add it to my list ^^
hohohoho epic
hohohohoho thank >D xD go fix that bug btw ^^
I give it 5 stars.
It's all right. :P
thx pelican >D i got premium so that's +1 star :p jk :p
thx sonny >D less SMP e :p
Teh bug can't be fixed -.-
I love your pixels decypha, I have seen most if these in your realm, and others realm except for the Battlefeild one which i havnt seen before now. You are just crazy at making pixels! I wish i could do that.....anyway I will vote up this topic and your realms :D
make something from the legend of zelda, maybe this:
imran look at ur signature it says ur in EBC :p
I'll add it on my list Lam ^^ although zelda's are overused :p
decy, recon u check my skin try and make it in humn form?
I never really did skins before superjayde xD
Newest pixel :
can you make a pixel of L or ryuk from death note pls :D
Heya Topdog5005 ,
You are not the first to ask ^^ and I already made him >D .
I made it on classic but due to some lack of colors it isn't " that " great :P
but yea he's already done ^^ xD
Basicly, I want a larger version on my avatar except made in minecraft.
Or, I though of something which might help maxi with this. Where you could make an Imperial and a Spartan insignia.
Tails Doll:
Requested by StopingPower23
If you don't do Katniss I will jump off the eiffel tower...............................................................................................
yay I'm next :D so glad I got in early :O aha that Tail's doll is SOO good! :D but then again, EVERYTHING you do is SOO good! :O aha you're amazing, a true pixel artist :3
You should do like... a boy Katniss.. Call him natkiss :>
that is so not funny lol >< I might do a katniss i dono she's not rlly the nicest looking narnia bowshooting person ther is xD
Pushed to front page <3
I just did a cleanup in all my worlds so they are kinda mixed up XD
do /worlds decypha to see my worlds ^^
I did it for as I needed to make some pixels and needed room for it ofc :P
you should do pixel art of Samus!
gimme a picture to add to my list then >D
theres the link!
Katniss from Hunger Games For Sk1l4funz ^^
Hi Decy, Do you draw alot i dont think many people could do this with out being good at drawing...ive done some large pixel arts to but havent gone far..ive been drawing for 2 years..ships,animals,planes,portraits and other cool stuff.....heres my drawing blog everyonleovestodraw.blogspot.com
Heya Charlie Kane, I'm actually REALLLY bad at drawing in real life , Besides grafiti :P stuff ( on paper not on walls )
I've just learnt it by pixeling alot :P i started 2-3 years ago , I started small :P my first pixel e ver was a Freeza from dragonball >D
I do have some experience with making alike " pvp" movies and edit them which made me learn to shape alot , after awhile you just look at the picture and you can see the blocks right infront of you >D sometimes ya need a lil zoom or something , I dono what other pixelers use for programs :/ srry .
I really like to do black/white pixels :P
color gets anoying abit sometimes xD
But I devoloped my own " pixel math system" >D which helps me alot :P
ps : u spelled : everyonelovestodraw.blogspot.com
wrong :P
So how do you even start on a drawing like this? I dont suppose you just look at, start putting the layers down and get everything right from the first time?
I mostly start at the bottom :P
so I can coordinate how big it will become.
It doesn't just happen in 1 2 3 i remake alot of them til they fits corectly as I remade a pixel 16x once ^^
Any chance you could do a tutorial video on the basics of pixeling or how to pixel with such detail?
Rawr !!! I dono if I could do that >D
Pixeling in such detail only really works with large pixels :P
And many people have a diffrent way of pixeling , and I do not like to tell everything my own made pixelmath yet >D , maybe in the future.
but as for the details , it just takes some time to learn ^^
but as for the details, it just takes some time to learn
You said learn, that implies teaching, that means that someone/something would have to teach me if I was to learn how to do it so detailed...
Who/what taught you Decy?
heya :P
I had nobody to teach me :( .
Teaching would include shaping and stuff like that aswell then :O unless you already know how to shape. You just have to see the shape on the blocks on in your mind and how you wanna make it. Doesn't look good ? restart :P til it fits / looks good
I basicly was the only pixeler on my last server.
Learning doesn't always imply teaching , you can learn stuff youself.
I started small with Freeza from BDZ >;D
if you grow bigger and bigger in pixels you will just do them as they look, starting to add a little bit more detail bit by bit.
as for example you'll find out for example : 2e layer green surounded by trunk/dirt will make it look even darker. on 1st /2e layer.
It's stuff you gotta try out experiment :P
And as i said before i made my own "pixelmath" thingy xD
added : Shanae , AurumAquila ^^
Requested by herself ^^
those are already pixeled? :P u can see the blocks XD I believe even a nub could do that :P Rather tell me the name of your favorite smexy actice >D :P
Pixel President Snow. Here's a link:
Chuch Norris Added >D didn't even take long to pixel
+ Captain , i added it to my list ^^
Butterfly for Carmel347
Angel :
Whoa! Is this kind of work that easy? Doesn't look like it to me. So sad...I don't pixel....
Jigsaw for Xenuz
Lizz Vicious for Merrowing
Wow these 2 pixels are awesome! You must build ALOT to make all these pixels in such a short amount of time. Can i just ask how many realms you have? Because its kinda weird how you named these realms 8 and 9, you seem to have alot of realms xD (unless you reset all your old stuff as soon as you finish them to get more room) just curious what you do ;)
and about the time XD , short is just a matter of opinion =P but a B/W pixel of 200*200 shouldn't take longer then 15hours of playtime , which I mostly play each day XD
You can just do /worlds decypha
and see for yourself :P but at the moment I have 13
15 hours/day?
ohai i do have a job , which doesn't concern you at all.
Most of the time I sit at home and check the update of it , if i get a call if my stuff failz i have to go and ifx it , i'm not telling u more details of it thx ^^
I recently quit basicly all my other active games to be more in MC ^^
I stand up at 7.30 eat showa play MC go to bed at 00.00
Sometimes it's less sometimes it's more , sometimes i go out , sometimes i nolife the night through , what I do is nothing of your concern thx ^^
y all ur realms say their locked when i try to go to them?
heya ,
The Realms that are locked are 10 , 9 , 8 and my home realm because there is nothing in it yet or still underconstruction ^^
1, 2 ,3 ,4 , 5 ,6 ,7 , Maze , exabots , haxmaze
are not locked at all ^^
decypha, you like the king of pixelart and can you make this a picture of Michael Jordan
can you please do this:?
Hey Decypha can you please make a pixel for me :D
okidoki >D
I was working on a model at the moment but things are not just turning out how I wanted it to be XD so i'ma lay that down for a sec and start on something new >D Linkin Park >D
I'll probably use a texturepack just to test some thing out as i just did before ^^
Can you do something like this?
that seems pretty nifty..and hard to do! Let's see if Decy is up for the challenge!
Thx Decypha!!
Did you start president snow yet?
I actually did start on it , but then i stumbled at the beard which i'm trying to figure out how to do it xD cuz it's not rlly working so far XD
this is why i lke females XD no beard/ moustachio xD
Heya Loci , Ive made the shapes and stuffs it's gonna be around 512x400 can be alittle higher depends , soz u'll defo need a 512x512 wall ^^
+ Texture pack >D
So in other words i need to be a constructor and have the height, width and length all 512?
I don't believe so ^^
You can just do 512x16x512 or something and put the view point i na noclipped area /setspawn
I do it aswell with 512x64x512
Can you do my skin? I'll have itup in the gallary soon! If so, thx alot!
ok decypha awesome, i have made the realm 512x64x512, I have now also granted you advanced, just tell me if you need a higher grant for any reason. (/realm Loci612 LinkinPark), just post here when your done so i can go take a look at it :D Thx again!
One of the best pixel artists I have ever witnessed. I know I probably won't get there (I could, but it would take a LOT of time), but as a fellow pixel artist, I hope to be at your level someday.
thx ^^
Well it's not like I learned to do this in 1 2 3 XD i've been doing it for som years now :P
Are u almost done with another pixel? :P im planning on submitting these to minecraft museum and a couple other places to promote ur awesomeness :D
Can you do this one for me?
Thanks, if you do make it.
I kinda want to see how big your list is Decy. x3
it's around 100 requests XD
But some are to overused or already have been made so I can't do those :P
Can you plz do this for me http://postimage.org/image/jcxbvwpnz/ ?
- Dragon (breathing fire) vs the Grim Reaper?
- Dual-guns crossed (like an X) with a Skull in the middle?
It up to you which ever you want to do. If you can do 1 of these that would be great!
Got a picture by anychance ? :P
here is it :>
why not the TARDIS or the Doctor
President Snow so far? You don't have to know. I'm just curious. :P
I have made some of it but the beard is not willing to work along with it , looks like ugh not beard xD
Got another model pixel , I got the same problem I can't get it right to look awesome , so I left it alone forawhile see if I can fix it next month :P
I'm at 110 requests now :P
FairyTail For Knucke ^^ Added
I used to be good at 3D structures...but then i got out of practice and cant remember how i did that flaming baseball in an old server :(
lol if i could rember how i could easily take it and make it into a comet for u :(
and no, it wasnt cuboid for all you haters out there -_-
Haha , The universe is basicly finished right now :P
It only lacks the spaceship which is still Work in progress By : Zaibrisk
I know you already said Zelda/Link is overused, but I could really go for a seriously huge and awesome one like what you make. :D And if you could make some colored good VS. evil thing, like with an enchanter riding left and an epic knight riding right, that would be freaking beast!
Any specific picture you got in mind ? =P
PS: Working atm still on the Linkin Park + Grim Reaper
amazing stuff
i visited ur realm once, but i was on my laptop and it was laggy.. it was cool nonetheless
is there a chance i can request for one, when i get a bigger realm.? :]
I dono man it's really .....
Ofcourse lol xD
Just post a picture of your request right here and I'll add it into my list of requests :P.
Once your realm is big enough you can have it. ^^
Whoa, man, how many pixel realms do you have? How many do pixel realms did you post? How long did this last? :P
Pixel realms:
/realm decypha
/realm decypha 1 , 2 , 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , reaper
Decy don't you have like 25 realms? >.<
I can suggest you do /worlds decypha and count them ^^. Don't forget to count home realm aswell . :P
You started doing this since you're tech. :P
I started this 3 years ago :P
But then the server became inactive and got shut down.
Then I basicly quit minecraft forawhile.
Shnaw got staff on World of Minecraft:Realms and after a while he asked me to come on the World of Minecraft:Realms and I got addicted to Minecraft again :P
Decy, you play too much Minecraft. XD :P In fact, we all play too much Minecraft. :P Including Staff. :P
Thats a lot of realms!
make a GIANT pixel of majoras mask!
Done !
that one is awesome
WTH! I thought for a moment it's going to haunt or kill me. XD
Can you please make Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto? Thanks in advance!
Who pixels?
Decy? xD
Do you work on one request at a time or several requests at a time?
For example:
I'll start pixel 1 , and if something doesn't fit and I can't get it to fit, I'll leave it alone for a while and start or continue pixel 2 . After a while I'll go back to pixel 1 to see if I can make it fit this time ^^
I can assure you that one will be done :P
I was thinking about getting a realm for meme's anyway ;O
you sir are absurd :3
Here is another request, IF you want to do it.
In case you're wondering , its Mrs.Patsy Cline
I added it to my list :D
hello dec
ive got another one lined up after you finish the first one hehe..
and added it to my list ;D
It's not gonna be done soon since my list is getting bigger and bigger ;D
hbcgh wants this pixeled xD

Mewto ;
Lelouche for C25:
Tried some new " style " aswell
Katniss :3
Katniss was some time ago though ;D made it for sk1l4funz
trying out some new styles atm ;D and making some more pokemons ;D
Yet my gengars kinda failing ;D
Well, I asked you like a week ago to do some faces from Meme(Rage) Comics.Have you added i to your list?
your stuff is epic I love it :)
make Drossel Kines from 'black butler'
(黒執事, Kurosh*tsuji)
its spelled Drocell Kienz
Thats the best pixs i ever seen. nice one.
Man Decypha. u shud b the #1 pixel art man/girl. u must really loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove pixel artssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
can you do this in Pixel?
the next one is the request
can you do a picture of Blade (the vampire slayer)
cuz my name is blade XD
Your Pixel is awesome!! Can make batman that would be cool ;).
Hey Decy,I saw Your pixel art and it's AWESOME,I got a Request,can you do this please?
He's Craig Mabbit btw
*Scrolls Down* *Sees CHUCK NORRIS* *Computer suddenly turned off!* FUUUUU--
How you even make them with blocks?
I guess no more pixel art
Decy plays on SMP now and he doesn't do Pixel Art there :P
He does voxel art now.
It's true :D i'm playing alot on SMP, Just got back from months of AFKnezz
Lunick made me addicted to SMP :D /love
Trying out new stuff
Love the redstone creations and experiments :D
Maybe one day I'll return to pixel art or I might make some in SMP if it's not to big since the limited Heights :D
Anyways I'm back now :p
At the moment making the Hive from Resident Evil which is almost done , Wolftone was gonna do the inside with traps and such ;D and the mansion on top.
I'm really getting an urge to make somekind of spaceship ;D
No clue why . Or to make Jak happy a Redstone Maze :D
Are you going to post images of your creations? Perhaps make a new thread "Decypha's SMP Builds >D" for what you have made/will make on SMP.
Maybe Usoka maybe :D
Dono yet :D since the Hive is underground and not really something you can see much off :D
The Spaceship on the otherhand hmm maybe :D working on it right now :D
I love SMP/CMP! Could you tell us the IP? I would really like to help you out, especially with some redstone builds! :D
It's World of Minecraft's SMP xD no need for help tho :D
( beside the 1500x350x256 that i'm digging out for the new project :D )
+ redstone is npz for me :D
hai... :3
Ohai you Captain ;D
can you do call of duty?
Dang, you are good at pixel art i cant even make a mario from pixel art and thats easy
But how about this:
This looks easy for you ^_^
I'll add it to my list but It's long and I'm not really pixeling anymore until i get a vibe for it ;D
More playing on the SMP at the moment =D
But I believe eventually I'll get back too it :D
How long is your list Decy?
It has over 100 requests literally :D
Wow decy, this is incredible, my request is a statue of you :) plz make it in one of my realms ( /realm flabbadoodle or /realm flabbadoodle 2) (you should go with /realm flabbadoodle 2 because i haven't built in it yet) and 1 question: if you change the size of your realm and do /reset does it erase your builds?
Acually, i dont really care if you build it.
Its pretty cool
wow you're really good at this!
could I request a ledgend of zelda or hunger games one?
and thanks for commenting on my 'Hi y'all' post.
you surely can request it just post a picture and I'll just add it to my list , which is terribly long and I don't pixel that often anymore , more into SMP atm :D
You have so many requests XD
Happy Halloween everybody !
and yes indeed captain very long ;D
Idk if u can do this , also I don't know how to post pics. But the one I want u to do is my avatar (tri-force)
Nice Job decypha I remember this topic when I first joined World of Minecraft :) It's awesome and make this out of pixeling:
I found something really cool to be pixeled but idk if I wanna do it ;D
Btw you can post a picture by just uploading it somewhere , and here you click onthe " Image" sign ,
and copy paste the URL in.
Press ok ;D
Added it to my list cartose ;D
Really I don't see how u are so good at this XD When I first met u I thought your pixels was made with a secret program but when I really saw u do it... It was amazing :D
Well it took me about 3 years lol :D
I have some kind of own made " system" ;D to pixel ;D
It's kinda hard to explain but when you understand it it's ok ;D
And ofcourse shaping took me ages ;D I still have difficulties :D
So no pixel art of my avatar ?
It's on my list ;D
just gotta start pixeling again once ;D
Hey its Loci612 :D
I requested Linkin Park on the 2nd of May this year :O Which was over 7 months ago.
I was just wondering if you ever finished it because you said you started, then on the 2nd of June you said you were still working on it.......
So im just wondering if it ever got finished, or if not where is the "Work in Progress" pixel. I would still love to see this pixel however i do understand you play SMP now but since you started working on it I was just wondering what happened to it :)
So yea it would be awesome to give me an update about it!
PS. I really dont mind if you lost it, or its half finished and you cant be bothered finishing, I understand :P
However it would be AWESOME to see what you have done so far, and if you could be finish it that would be great, just post with an update!
Thanks in advance, Loci612
That indeed looks nice, must have took a lot of time. Wish I had that great mining skills.
Heya I know but I havn't been playing much MC these days due to I'm pretty bizzy IRl with stuffs ;D
And lunick made me pretty much addicted to SMP :/ And last time i check womrealms was down :(
No worries I still have it on there , I saved it aswell , it's not done yet though ;D If I remember i think i have the persons shaped abit not finished yet and the title ( not sure ) ;D
Hi Vicernz ;D It's Creative Mode >D
ok thx for letting me know :)
I was soo curious after all these months, if the server goes back up (or if it is back up) I would like to see the progress you made!
Exactly how many realms did u have. Because it looks like u would have to have 1000s
He had someone around 25 by the end :P
Are you still doing my request?
I just want to inform you Decy that World of Minecraft realms is not coming back. Ever.
(Hopefully not forever) so I guess you'll have to use full mc.
How about u can make pixel in Creative Mode!
WoM Coins: 8985