Do you think ? [SOLVED] [LOCKED]
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WoM Member
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Well, i saw that in the native folder of World of Minecraft the have the charcter skin. I was thinking if you delete that skin and get a skin from your desktop and put it in there, would your skin change?

Epic Contributor
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What do you mean?  If you are

What do you mean? 

If you are asking whether or not your skin online would change if you changed it in the client files, than the answer is no. That would have a client side affect, therefore it would not affect how people see your skin online. 

WoM Member: 318894
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Nope your skin won't  change, I think they will make your World of Minecraft crashes

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if it did work, you would be the only one able to see the change, as your online skin is saved on, not in the client

but you wouldn't be able to see it as there is no function for seeing yourself in classic

so yeah, not very helpful