Documentation about the protocol
I am searching for a real documentation about the MineCraft protocol.
The only one I have found (here) is not complete.
For example, there is not any information about the coordinates system.
More over, it seems to be wrong (or uncomplete), because some times, the x, the y, and the z are Shorts, and sometimes SBytes.
Thank you in advance,
WoM Coins: 0
I am using both the World of MineCraft custom client and a script I have written to check the protocol.
When the World of MineCraft client say me my coordinates are :
X : 32.5
Y : 32.5
Z : 0
My script say me they are :
X : 1000000 00010000 (16 or -112, dependanding on the most signifiant bit meaning)
Y : 0000000 00110011 (51 or 77)
Z : 1000000 00010000 (16 or -112)
I was thinking that I was wrong in data reading, but that is not normal that two datas that the client says me equal (X and Y) are not the same for my script ! And my script find the same datas for X and Z, contrary to the client).
More over, all datas are wrong...
Thank you in advance,