Dokucraft texture pack problem
To install texture packs in your WoM Minecraft Client Wrapper easily, please see this topic:
Installing textures easily!
2 replies [Last post]
WoM Member
WoM Member: 498408
WoM Coins: 32

I have the dokucraft texture pack, when I play on minecraft with that texture pack my food meter doesn't show up. Please help me

WoM Member
WoM Member: 570223
WoM Coins: 1

I had this same problem, and I know why it happens and how to fix it. It happens because the texture pack is currently updated for beta 1.7.3 when there was no hunger. There is a texture pack called Dokucraft: The Saga Continues, which is the same thing, but updated. Here is a link to the post on planetminecraft -

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Maybe, Just maybe, Ask Duko?