Error: class java.lang.Illegalargumentexception
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Please help not sure what's wrong, but quite a few of my friends can connect to this server but I cannot.

I have updated my java and reinstalled mc multiple times.

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Hey there!

Hello dacbietelite.

I see that you are having trouble connecting to a server.
Re-installing MC will most likely not work. I mean, the only difference it makes is it gets rid of all of your mods... Which... even still is not particularly a good thing. So I would personally recommend against it. 
It may be apparent that the problem you are experiencing is a direct cause of not having the same version of Minecraft in which the server has. I.E: We consistently have problems with the SMP server here on World of Minecraft, as some of us have upgraded to the latest version of Minecraft while the SMP server is still Minecraft V1.1. The only thing with this is, that is not the error message we get when this happens. Try down-grading Minecraft by searching for the 1.1 .jar file on google or youtube (sorry I can't help you there) - and replacing the current .jar file in the .minecraft bin folder (%appdata% -> Roaming) - If that doesn't work, sorry, I don't know what will. (1.1 was an example, try getting in contact with the server owner and asking what version of Minecraft the server has)
-Hope I helped!