I was wondering do you know if there is a fix to my problem. I'm currently experiencing issues with the World of Minecraft wrapper client, I've followed the instructions and got that fine. Now it tells me to use the run file, as i do so i get a error message from using it.. just look at the picture i've posted.
maybe check if you have your java updated to the latest version if so
check if none of the files are corrupt and placed in the right area
I have the same Problem. Java is up to date. my system is now 1 day old. all service packs are downloaded etc.
Instead of downloading the http://minecraft.net/client/minecraft.jar one get
Yes the other Minecraft.jar file does make it work, If you have this message as i do! BUT You cant see any servers and i want to play online, And copying the URL doesent work eithere, Cant see any servers please help me!
WoM Coins: 0
i got the same error!!!! i need help too