I have version 1.9.0 and when I tried to log into the client, it gave me a fatal error. it says
"Fatal Error: Error launching World of Minecraft client. java.util.ConcurrentModificationException" and I have no idea what that means. Help?
From what I have learned, due to the release of 1.8 Beta version, it caused World of Minecraft and Classic to stop working . But hopefully, it will be up soon.
GAH! Minecraft.net is not working... You can login as your username on it but... When you try to connect to a server it Hangs up the phone on you! (Server Error)
Since 1.8, Notch changed the website and URL of the classic servers. Instead of /playjsp, its /classic/play. So, just wait, it won't take long to fix this problem.
I wonder if Minecraft.net know they'd totally f*** over everyone.
ugh, don't they have procedures for making sure this stuff doesn't happen
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