Feature request: Don't list mc: servers
2 replies [Last post]
WoM Member
WoM Member: 263543
WoM Coins: 70

I never use the mc: server links, because they don't work for me, and I'm not really interested either.

It would be good with a option to select to only have the "normal" servers on the list.

WoM Member: 240803
WoM Coins: 341
Could be implemented, but this

Sure this could be implemented at some point, but this is also something that you can easily do yourself.  Simply left click on the 'flags' portion of the list to sort by the flags and it will send all of the mc: servers to the bottom and you wont have to look through them yourself at all.
You can also left click on the 'server' table header and then the 'flags' table header if you wish to have the list in alphabetical order with only 'normal' servers first.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 263543
WoM Coins: 70

Again, like with the valid list, it's several clicks, since none of it is remembered.

I already know it can be implemented! And very easily!

It's a feature request!