I couldn't decide which forum for this, feel free to move it if it's wrong.
First off, YAY Client wrapper!! Well done everyone who helped! I really like the new super jump!! The flying "feels" different, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Just one thing would make it better, I think. The Super jump is great, but it's also getting in the way occasionally I think. It would be cool if there was a hot-key to turn it on and off besides the check-mark on the client. Or maybe jumping stays the same except for CTRL jump or something.
I love the new client. I also find that noclip isn't working. I hope that's not just on my end (tested on two computers so far) and I hope it never gets fixed. That's one hack we just don't need in this game (in my opinion).
Thanks again for providing this!
What version do you have? I suspect you might be running below 1.5.4
I already have a thread like this one:
I just found that no hacks work apart from the superjump, is it just me or is it everyone?
It's just you. Also, why post in HERE?
WoM Coins: 20
CTRL Jump works along with NoClip.