Ok, This might seem like a scam. But it's not I promise. If I can raise 150,000 dollars for a warp, Everyone who donated WILL get a plot in town if they wish. If you would like to donate please pm me, mail if I'm not on or just say you want to donate. I will then show you the site where the warp will be and put you on the board of donators so I can keep track of who gets a plot or not :) Please donate! Note: Each dollar donated gets you 1 block.
I see this as a fancy way to force people into your town and get a warp in the process. I'm going to pass for now.
So if I donate $2000, I get 2000 blocks? Aren't those rather large?
Yeah Itsa I noticed that problem too so I think I'll change it to 1,000 and over translates to like 100 blocks.
$10/block seems high. I can't even sell my right arm for that much.
WoM Coins: 19
Me and Pick already asked, got no one. GL