I had an idea for World of Minecraft that could help people. Well, i have a server and when people leave they cant remember the name and they dont come back and they keep asking me what the server name is, when they leave and it gets quite annoying. So i was thinking triddin, H4X, or someone could put a little box on the side of the server list. This little box would tell you recent servers. In this little box it would keep track of 5 recent servers you've been to, and after your 6th visit to a different server it would replace the 5th one. Which is the one you visit the least. Please consider this idea!
i like that idea, from before the time that i joined World of Minecraft, i know that remembering a server name that you have only been to once was very hard and it got annoying when you couldn't find it again
I too have thought of similar ideas to this.
WoM Coins: 606
Sounds like a good idea, but I only play on World of Minecraft so idk :P