Good bye WoMRealms (LOCKED)
It was nice playing WoMrealms but now i am done playing all the time, I will be on like once every 2 weeks so everyone have fun. And theres other reasons for quitting so bye guys
I never told anyone that i was banned from classic or SMP ?
Other reasons to !
I'm not leaving just because you banned me from IRC. to tell the truth i don't even care about IRC I'm leaving because... well i'm not saying but that's not why i'm leaving
WoM Coins: 1687
Skaterkid10 is leaving because I banned him from IRC. After nearly 2-3 weeks he couldn't take a hint that I hate being pinged for random gibberish and that we aren't making him staff\op.
However after being extremely persistent and harassing other admins on IRC and other staff members the only option I had left was to remove his access permanently to IRC. He has not been banned from Realms or SMP which is a lie as he keeps telling people.
We have these rules in place to prevent issues like this - if you can't follow them, you must face the consequences.