Gouden Ei?
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WoM Member
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Huh, ik heb een gouden ei gevonden waar bijstaat:

"Wil je toch iets winnen? Maken er een foto van met jezelf ernaast en post het op World Of Minecraft.
Hierbij is de afbeelding gepost. Hopelijk win ik iets!

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hmk :P

Maybe it should be in english :P
I'll translate it :
Huh, I found a golden egg and it says:

"You want to win something right ? Make a picture  a picture with yourself  next to the egg and post it on World Of Minectaft.

Here I posted the image. Hopefully I win something!


Now other people might understand it aswell :P. Hope you win something ^^

WoM Member
WoM Member: 460368
WoM Coins: 5
Owh, sorry

Thanks for translating my post!

Hope others will see it!

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No problem. Any idea who made that egg? and what that reward was :O ? =P

WoM Member
WoM Member: 460368
WoM Coins: 5
No, not really

It is in a protected area, but i dont no who it made...

I hope i'll get the reward.... :(
But someone who's dutch made it... (Text was in dutch)

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Are there any commands like /whodid ?
check for signs who made it , ask around :P
You certainly are the first to post it here. But are you sure it's not a joke or anything else? :P

WoM Member
WoM Member: 460368
WoM Coins: 5
I dont think its a joke

I don't think it is a joke, because it is a protected area...

I cant give commands... I even cant /tpa...
I hope some reply who made it... 
I think its made by a moderator or something.

Epic Contributor
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Have you tried asking staff

Have you tried asking staff on the server?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 460368
WoM Coins: 5
Problem Solved!


I know why i cant find the golden egg contest!
It is on www.worldofminecraft.'BE' not .com
Sorry for your time. :(
But anyways thanks!