Grief and a deleted claim?
My plot near the Donut has been griefed! It was all claimed as well, it was randomly unclaimed and everything in it was griefed!
I had claimed this area for a while now. I hadn't played for about a week, and when I came back to it, it was unclaimed (claimed by Terrasina at some point) and most things were griefed. I can only attach one picture, but yeah... and it seems like most peoples claims were destroyed too. My neighor's was too. The area of my... stuff is X -13, Y 69, Z 166. Please help.
Is this resolved?
The damage in the picture seems to have been repaired, but there is no claim. I'll put a temporary claim on it, and I'll permission trust you, ping me on discord when you get on.
WoM Coins: 1
I suggest contacting a moderator with the PMing system. That would be a lot quicker.