HalloWeen Skin
Looking for an easier way to view skins? try the WoM Minecraft Player Skins Gallery
Using skin
If you have a premium account you can upload it to your minecraft profile on minecraft.net
Whats a premium accout?
title says it
Premium account is...
The premium accout is when you have BOUGHT the game... 'nuff said.
does anyone now how to change
does anyone now how to change your skin without buying the game?
No, you cant i bought the
No, you cant i bought the game to have the full alpha, a skin and the premium account, it cost 10 euros
i do
go into .jar open up a folder saying mobs deleate . char replace it with the skin then play
if your using a texture pack do the same but open up the texture pack zip
also name the skin .char
if you need help still use this youtube video
good luck =D
Too much eviiillll
WoM Coins: 0
how do i use this? sorry for being nubb