Having some issues port forwarding.
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WoM Member
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Hey guys. First post, sorry if I break some rules haha.

So I just bought Minecraft the other day to play with my friends and since none of them are exactly computer wizards (neither am I), I have taken it upon me to host the server.
My router is a Cisco WRV210 VPN Router with RangeBooster, and I can't find any guides for it on portforwards.com or anything. Still, I managed to access it. Here is the info I gave it:
The local IP was found using the ipconfig /all command in the cmd menu (I use Windows 7 64-bit). I can't really see what I've done wrong. When I host the server and test it on http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/, I get the "port is closed" response. I can play on the server quite fine myself using "localhost" as the ip-address when joining.
Can someone please help me? :p

WoM Member
WoM Member: 120989
WoM Coins: 9
Check your firewall on the computer you're forwarding to....

... most people might forget to check their server's firewall. Make sure you add the server port to your firewall (for Win7, go to Start -> Run -> In the Search Box: "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security"). If you've forgotten to add firewall access, then you won't be able to connect. If this doesn't work, try pinging the computer on the open port (the one you added to the firewall) from another computer. If the computer responds, the firewall settings are okay, if not, something (perhaps some antivirus software) might be blocking the port as well. If you've still got issues, let me know.