Hello people!
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Mobs In Black
WoM Member
WoM Member: 296640
WoM Coins: 3

Basically, I thought I would to a bit of shameless advertising to get our videos seen a bit more, but also to introduce ourselves to the minecraft community which have all been involved in now for quite some time.

Currently, we are extremely new and have one episode up although we have recorded 7 (roughly and hour and a half footage) if you like our videos then be sure to subscribe and leave a like but of course don't feel obliged to if you don't actually like it. 
I'll give you the description of our first series and then you can check it out for yourselves to see if you like it or not :)
Welcome to our first ever commentary, in which we will be undertaking an adventure of epic proportions! 
Here's the deal: Three guys - Luke, Joe and Kurtis - gather all they can with which to travel into the deep, dark and scary underground world beneath them. 
As if this wasn't daunting enough, there are rules which they must obey...

1. Each player has three lives, the series will come to an abrupt end if they lose all nine.
2. They must never be allowed to set foot on land again as soon as they commit to going under.
3. The overall goal of the series is store 30 diamond in their "bank" 

Wish these three hopeful heroes luck, as they embark on their quest to relish in the delights that come with the finding of 30 diamond!

So to watch our videos just click this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9T6VORuhfk
And let the fun begin! 

WoM Member: 105750
WoM Coins: 526
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