This was a picture taken in single-player. My fault, I should have said that in the first post.
you know there is ANOTHER player (cept for "herobrine") on the screen? PHAIL
Thats why I was freaking out, there were all these people on the map. If I wanted to make a hoax I could do better than to take pictures in MP and say it is in SP. I chose this one out of all the screenshots because it had the other character in it.I have no idea what happened, but they didn't reappear after I returned to the map.
1.Dig a deeep hole
2.Cover it up
3.Live there fovever
4.If you wet your self just smash you PC screen
Take it easy DestructoMouse. Who cares if he's lying or not. Let him have his fun. I'm sorry Artbot, but this isn't possible. Herobrine has been removed from the game anyway...
Many people are saying Notch lied about removing Herobrine D:
WoM Coins: 90
its a person with the username herobrine. no big deal