Just joined and thought I'd introduce myself and poke around. Been playing Minecraft for some time now. Just starting to get a few videos and what not posted to showcase my progress and builds in my 1.8 map. It's a fresh map of course so nothing major at the moment.
A little bit more about me:
Name - Roger
Age - 32
Occupation - Writer/Author
Dream - Visit all Seven Continents
Religion? No Religion, I'm a Diest
Anime - Yes, RWBY, DeathNote, Cardcaptors, Pokemon, Naruto, D. N. Angel, etc etc.
My current goal in the Minecraft community is to upgrade my equipment here and there so I can produce better quality videos. That is a must.
I'm currently in the process of working on my first Novel, as well as several other Ebooks that I can sell for Profit. The first Novel in each series will be free of charge with option to donate.
I believe that it's okay to do what ever you want and believe what ever you want as long as it does not affect the Life or Lifespan of another Human Being.
WoM Coins: 8
Nice to meet you Roger! :)