Hosting Minecraft on an online server
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 65050
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I did a little searching on this forum, but only found how to host this locally on a computer rather than online.
I have rented server space with the maximum bandwidth limit and everything enabled, and so I was wondering if there was some way to host a game actually on a website or server that I have? If so, what is the proper way to do it? All I have found were the different clients that allow you to host from your own machine, yet nothing to host on a rented server space.

If someone would be able to direct me to the best method of doing so, I would greatly appreciate it, assuming it is possible at all.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 65597
WoM Coins: 0

to answer your question add me on windows Messanger depending if your server is linux or windows it can be  easy task but if your on about webhosting this cant be done you have to rent a vm or somthing i recommend cheap hosting that will be perfect for what you want.