How can I do this?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 31644
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Good afternoon. I own my own server. I use one of the server-system on this site, and I really love them. But I have some question. In one of my favourite servers, we can write: "/goto B (name)", then we are going to a new place, but we can chat to the people who are on "/goto A (name)". How do I do this?

Also, how do I edit the users ranks?
Now I have:
Trusted user, etc.
I want to change they to Guest, builder, advanced builder, etc.
And how do I make a guest area? 
I really hope someone can answere these answers as fast as possible! Thanks.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 77724
WoM Coins: 3
What are you using?

Are you using McLawl?