How do i buy Minecraft??
Hi, I have tried to buy Minecraft from the website but I can not buy it with Swedish money bhow do i do?
You can buy
Buy it at login and the at the top of the screen there will be a ad saying 25% off pre purchase beta click it and it will say purchase now! And the rest is pretty easy but if you have problems just tell me i will help :D
The price in Euros is 14.99, the price in American Dollars is 21.95. Just saying cause the kid at the top had the prices wrong.
Buy it
Yeah i knowe how to buy the game but how do I change the Swedish money to euro
Choose Your Country
So, go to the Purchase Now! page and change the displayed country to wherever you are. It'll automatically convert the currency to what you use.
use visa, master card, paypal, moneybookers etc. one will work for you.
WoM Coins: 1
it may seem lke a scam .its not i is 15$ american money sencearly,ahawk46