How do I Connect World of Minecraft Client to a server by IP Address only?
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Topic says it all. I have a private server that I run and I was wanting to use the World of Minecraft client to speed up the building process. Sadly it seems I can only connect to a server if it has a URL. Any thoughts?

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Is it classic or beta?

If it's beta then no...
If its classic just use your url!

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URL with IP

You can try this with a classic server:

Change the IP to your IP (if needed), and the port to whatever port you need.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 79397
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World of Minecraft Client Only Supports Classic

As mentioned by moujave, the World of Minecraft custom client only supports Minecraft classic and not Minecraft beta.  If you are running a Minecraft classic server, simply type in your URL provided by to get in.  You can also use the method decimic mentioned but using just the plain old URL would probably be easier.  Hope this helps.