How do you by pass a IP ban [LOCKED]
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 412767
WoM Coins: 15

I got IP ban just cause the owner could so i want to by pass it to get back on his server so i can work on my house again so if someone knows how to by pass it just tell me, and if you want the IP for the server i got banned from just ask ill get i dont have it atm. If you want to help me msg me on this site or you can contact me on skype which is -removed- is my username. or you can go to youtube and msg me to talk. -removed- there is a link for my youtube so just contact me. and if you want to help mess with his server because he has just been Ip ban people and it is making me mad. he thinks he is the boss of everything and it is making me very mad so contact me asp.

WoM Member: 318894
WoM Coins: 632
Our problems

it's not our problem why you're getting banned on that server, pls just contact them in the forums, if they have a website. We're just responsible for our forums and server.

Thank you

WoM Member
WoM Member: 398022
WoM Coins: 21
ip ban

now whos fault is that huh? the World of Minecraft people cant help u wit tht. and btw u cant get past an ip ban. u can only get past a regular ban. but ip ban. no. good luck.

Epic Contributor
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2 things:

1) If you get banned on a different server, you do not come asking us how to break the rules on something that clearly doesn't concern us, we don't know what you could have done to earn that ban. Also, we do not want everyone coming up with ways to get around bans, why do you think we have the ability to ban, so that people cannot come back on, no point if there is an easy way to work around it.

2) Unless you have terrible owners (In which case you should find a new server anyway) you mush have had a reason to be banned, so go to your server's website if it has one and beg there.