I was in the server before and i got disonnected suddenly then i tried to enter again but I can't. The server appears on the server list but i can't enter, it says its probably down. This has been happening for some hours...
Help plz, i want to get back to build :(
Yes, it happens, but i can't enter since some hours ago! I tried a lot of times and i can't enter ;___;
Please, if somebody reads this, tell it to any mod or admin. Please!
I tried to connect to the IRC for talking to the admins, but it says "Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection refused: connect"
Help ;___;
Same here! It happened before, it also took hours.
its actually anoying me now
its been offline for hours
can a freekkin mod put the server back up!
It's annoying me as well.
While you wait, you can join another server.
It happed to me too, today and also yesterday
its happened to me to for like 3 days in a row
It annoyed me when after a few hours, it finally worked, but then I had to go somewhere, and when I came back, it stopped working again.
With the change of map we made couple of days ago we have run into some small issues, which should be ironed out now.
Thanks for letting us know.
WoM Coins: 13
The server goes down sometimes, it happens.