i have a minecraft classic server i right now nobody joins except me and my friend so i am just posting this if people want to join. it is AAAAblazerfreebuild
the server is up this very moment. it is up on weekdays from 4 till maybe 6. also the server has been renamed to blaze(freebuild)
it is a multiworld server with a museum of sprites though no sprite yet i will add some soon
i need one more moderator
i renamed the server to blaze(freebuild,multiworld,ranked) +hax
i have to go to school so the server might not be on everyday now that i have a lot of homework. If it is on it will be on about 7-8
Still looking for a moderator? I could do that.
sorry it took some time but i had a lot of homework but anyway i have a enough moderators and not many people come and play but if i have a spot vacant i will be able to give it you
i have a spot avaible, ever since the 1.8 udate for mincraft i have had a lot of people come in so i will need another moderator just sign in and tell me taht it is u ok then see ya
hi i can help mod ur server. im usually on after school and weekends. im mods on lots of other servers and own my own server.
sorry but no mods, but maybe, tell me what mods u have
my server is up and sorry but no mods are allowed
Is it a classic or beta server? You pointed out that traffic on the server increased when 1.8 came out, which leads me to think it's a beta server, but up top it says its a classic server, and now i'm confused. Also, would I need hamachi?
it is not a beta it is a classic but for some wierd reason a lot of people started to come into the server after the 1.8 update but not many come in now so i am good but i will still make u a moderator
Is it on the classic server list? Or do I need hamachi?
it is not always because i have to close the server once in a while but it is on the classic server list no hamachi required
the server hasn't been on for some time because the computer i run it on is broken. i was able to save the server onto a usb drive before it died but i won't be able to run it until i get a new computer. The computer i am typing this on is really old so the will run but not as fast and i won't be able to access the server myself
the server is up because i fixed the computer and it will operate like usual sometimes up sometimes not
server is gone, my computer broke and i lost the server. I will be hosting a new server again but this time it will be with a different server software but a better one and it will have the same name
the new server is up but nothing is in there because i lost everything
new server adress is http://www.minecraft.net/classic/play/1d8d64cef3740eb000b853d4f34cdf4a
the server is now up every day from 7-8pm except on thrusday when i have to go to a class and on saturday and sunday if i have a camping trip for boyscouts.
i have a totally new server and this is my last server change. There is now Zombies in the server!!!!!!!!!! It is totally new with portals and much more. It is now a Mcforge server. The run times will be the same but the name will be different. it is now Blaze(freebuild, multiworld, Ranked, Zombies) +hax
sorry but the server kept on crashing with the new name so i put the name as Blaze(freebuild, multiworld,ranked, Zombies) +hax also the server has capture the flag, lavasurvival and 2 modes of zombies, zombie tag and zombie survival. the new server address is http://www.minecraft.net/classic/play/1d8d64cef3740eb000b853d4f34cdf4a
WoM Coins: 22
the server is not always up but it will soon be after i get a new computer