I'm back. Just silenced. You can meet me in my realm. Umm I can't talk to y'all(u know what I mean) in Global...Soo yea...
Thx Tyler
I think a 24 hr was just a little harsh. You should've got a 2 hr like Stoping
IKR!!?!! I still am silenced..All of my friends on World of Minecraft.... they're so lucky
Thx again Tyler
Stoping is a pain in the butt. Just a nuance to World of Minecraft. :/
We are the most active topic of Forums!
You gonna put something bak? Just kiddin lolz :D
If Lunick sees this I hope he doesn't silence me longer...btw Lunick I read the chatlogs..and Yes Stoping is a pain...No offense Stoping
Did you Kentito was a girl! I think he/she is bcuz her/his skin is of a girl .......... btw he gets on my nerves. He says I lies when I don't... ugh. so annoying
lol my Sub
Sub? Idk what that means lol
********WHOLE CHAT LOGS********
of the religious argument
I read it and sub means subject in that case
Ok, I'm going to list it here.
Bronzeblaster = 24h Ban, 1w Silence for starting the religious argument and continuing.
Stopingpower23 = 24h Ban, 1w Silence for also arguing about the religious argument and lying to me about not being involved.
DayeAndNight = 6h Silence for participating in the argument.
Simsfan(or something like that) = 24h Silence for spamming
There was also someone else that I silenced for 24 hours that was some random guest. I hope that clears it up with everyone. I believe that none of my actions are unfair and you should know by now Bronze by all the punishments you have been given by staff, would you like me to list all those?
I'm mainly disappointed in Stopingpower...
WoM Coins: 231
I know. ttyl