Im New... Multiplayer?
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WoM Member
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Hey Guys ! I just bought Minecraft and its really cool.
But i gotta question about the multiplayer... How exactly does it work?
And can u recommend me some server?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 152958
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I have the same question :/

I have the same question :/

WoM Member
WoM Member: 32426
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Use this side.
WoM Member
WoM Member: 154802
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Hmm... im not able to connect

Hmm... im not able to connect to this website...

WoM Member
WoM Member: 150818
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No World of Minecraft servers =S

Unfortunately sinse the problems occured recently there don't seem to be any official World of Minecraft servers at the moment. Hopefully they will manage to bring them back up again soon, but I suppose we will have to wait till then.

If it helps at all however, depending on your computer or if you have a spare computer you could set up your own server. From my own experience, if you run minecraft and host a server on the one PC, 2gb will let you have 3 people at a tiime before it begins to have issues, or 5 if just hosting on the computer (this was with vista, 1.7gh dual processor).

Hope this helps a bit, and fingers crossed we get some servers back soon =)