Internet is too spotty for SMP, so I'm making a Let's Play!
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 194421
WoM Coins: 0

The title says it all. My internet where I am is sort of unreliable and slow - especially for online gaming. I still wanted to be part of the Minecraft community, though. So, I decided to make a Let's Play. I'm five episodes in to it, and I promise at least one episode a day. If ever I don't post an episode one day, I'll find some way to compensate ;]

So, here's some links. For starters, here's my episodes:
Here's a three-part tour of my favorite world:
And, of course, here's the link to my youtube channel:
Thanks very much for your views, support, subscriptions, hate mail, comments, whatever. I really want to stay active in the Minecraft community and share my crafting and building; I figured the best way to do that sans SMP was to make a Let's Play!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 189793
WoM Coins: 0
Cool, i've watched a few of

Cool, i've watched a few of them. Carry on :D

WoM Member
WoM Member: 194421
WoM Coins: 0
Thanks very much, friend!

Thanks very much, friend! I'll keep on mcraftin'!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 188622
WoM Coins: 1
its laggy

why is your game so laggy? its worse then mine, but i just save and quit to title menu if it gets to laggy.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 194421
WoM Coins: 0
Well there are quite a few

Well there are quite a few reasons:

1 - My computer. As the post mentioned, my internet isn't so hot. Well, my internet is not the only stone age thing about my computer. I'm running a 2004 eMachines desktop right now, and I've only got 1.5 gb RAM. 
2 - Fraps. Recording gameplay footage takes up a cubic sh*t-ton of space, and that adds to the lag significantly. When I play without recording, I get crystal clear gameplay.
3 - Render distance. I cannot bear to part with my Far distance. I never will part with it.
In a few months (read: May/June) I'll be getting a brand-spanking new laptop that will be able to run Minecraft with minimal problems. For now, I'm sticking with my crappy but reliable desktop.