Jumping issues in 1.6.2
Jumping in the new 1.6.2 version; I cant even jump a DISTANCE of 2 blocks (without hacks)... I can barley do 1 actually... it seems as though my forward momentum is slowed when I am in the air... I need this for multiplayer zombie survival servers, where a lot of the jumps need me to skillfully jump 2 blocks distance. but due to this update- I can barley jump 1! All other players, even the ones not using the World of Minecraft client can jump 2 blocks skillfully.... Does anyone know of a fix?
(I am not a noob XD in the World of Minecraft wrapper 1.5.9 I was able to jump 2 blocks frequently)
in all of these cases I was not using hacks
Can someone make this known? I'm sure were not the only two with this problem.
i have the same problem he needs to fix it NOW
Same here
Yeah I need this fixed NOW :)
WoM Coins: 0
I've experienced the same problem and it can get to be a bit of a bother sometimes. Not just zombie survival, but things like lava survival, etc. It slows you down significantly without hacks.