Lava and water Physics issue... also loading saves
I finally got a server working with mysql and mclawl, and am happy to say i can create lava and water now, but... they don't flood. i would love to have lava physics in my server.
also, on the server i created the normal way, i dumped the map, so i have a saved copy of it, but how do i load it to my server? my friend and I worked pretty hard on that map :( would be nice to use it again.
thanks for any help in advance
I've been trying to learn the
I've been trying to learn the commands :(
As I stated above, I know how to create it with the commands /lava and/water, but I cannot find any way to get it to spread. i've searched multiple websites and found nothing.
WoM Coins: 1
About the lava and water.... how about you learn the commands....