How do i use the dump level feature. My server got messed up and i wanna keep a certain map. So how do i put it in my new server?
Very few people know how to turn dumped levels into real levels for later use. I will be explaining how to. So first, you will do "dump level" on your World of Minecraft client on the level you are in on the client. This will send a .dat file to your World of Minecraft folder. Next, you must download "Mcsharp." Its a server software with a level convertor also. Look around in the files for "Level Convert" then "Oldlevelconvertor" Extract that. Now put the .dat file that you dumped with World of Minecraft into the oldlevelcovertor folder. Rename the level file from "level_4545413234.lvl(random numbers)" to something easy to remember like "bat.lvl" Make sure you DO NOT delete the extension. Now open the level convert and type the name you named it to like "bat.lvl" and press ENTER. It will process the level into a dat file. If it says messages like "Level convert has stopped working" Try redownloading it.
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--Second option---(If you still have your server files)
Simply copy the levels from your old server, and paste them to your new server. Easier and simpler way.
If you aren't using mcforge or mclawl then you may have to go through this process. But if you are running mcforge the dump file does not need to be converted to an lvl file. Just place it in the right folder and import. But I believe mortalspirit and I have covered all of the necessary processes that you need to go through and it should work for you.
WoM Coins: 341
Well, if you are using mcforge the command is /import. You use the dump level button, put the level file into the place in your mcforge folder that it says to.. /extra/import I believe (You may have to create the import folder extra folder so it would be mcforge/extra/import where you put the file). I'm pretty sure you can rename the file so it'll be easier to import, then go on your server and type /import levelname. If you arent on mcforge then I dont know exactly how you would have to do it, but i dont think it would be too much different on the other server softwares that allow you to use dump level. Good luck.