Heheheheh I trapped lider in a wooden box
Great idea! Make a game about how to trap lider! :D I can start it if I get to. :)
every time lider is afk, trap him, take a pic, and post it. It will be a World of Minecraft meme
OR whats better is trapping anyone thats afk and call it trapping. Kind of like how people cone and plank.
More like ghosting, as planking only involves yourself; ghost in though, includes atleast 2 other person.
Also, I do this all the time. If I wanted I could say you copied me; though I have no idea whether you've seen me do it so I wont.
(Ask Teodor88 if you don't believe me!)
Well done to capture him :D
I don't have a lider but I got these :
Does this count?
No xD
Nice one Xenuz :PP
I can't find the one that I had from lunick :/
I boxed him so many times ... XD
I trapped an enderman! ;O
But does this count?
Theres air in a box. o.O
i caught myself
I was making a big glass wall and someone got in my way
Loolz i might have to go on World of Minecraft: Realms now i trap someone in a box aswell!
Was eating xDD
I wonder who's that...
This is slightly humiliating. It's the fifth time this has happened to me today... I'm off to bed.
Its cool how popular this got
HAHA you people are too sneaky for me! I still haven't trapped anyone >.< I can only imagine what would happen to the person that trapped H4X! :P
Nice catch aha
Trappe(s): yovel123456, Magnus30091
im guessing the fact that most people are not posting a pic of me trapped - fail to get me trapped so trap someone else
got that one before you :P
UMAD, lili?
Trapped in a coffee cup.. i call it 'Trappachino'
He makes it so easy for me to trap him :/
Can you keep the pictures on one comment from now on please?
Lol :D Nice Catch!
If it doesn't show please fix it if you can
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