LOL a lot of the topics now on the active topics section have to do with 1.3.1. I just thot it was kindofa lol moment. (Also, if you could give instructions on how to switch back from 1.3 to 1.2.5 that would be really helpful, as this might be a go-to source.)
yea, i don't know what i was thinking when i typed inside the paranthasees.
I thought i would be smart. Anyways, thanks for bearing with me :)
WoM Coins: 6608
Need to downgrade to 1.2.5? You can download it from
Don't know what to do with the jar file?
You need to put it in your .minecraft/bin folder:
Windows: c:/users/H4X/appdata/.minecraft/bin
Mac: /Users/H4X/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin